“Land of Fire and Ice”

Iceland often referred to as “the land of fire and ice” is an incredibly unique place I've been lucky enough to go to Iceland on six separate occasions from 2016 through to 2022 my most recent visit ended only a couple of weeks ago and quite a few of the images you will see below from this particular visit my photographic journey has changed a lot in the six years since I've been photographing landscape seriously and Iceland represents one of the most dramatic places on the planet that you can get images from.

From stunning waterfalls to barren areas of bleak desolate volcanic ash through to lava fields covered many square miles the landscape doesn't cease to amaze wherever you are. From inland areas like the central highlands through to the coastal regions on the south of the island where the swimming impressive waterfalls and also stunning coastlines with sea stacks sticking up several hundred feet in places and violent waves pounding them permanently the country just simply delivers and delivers photographically.

During this visit I took along with me an infrared camera a special camera converted only to see infrared I didn't know if this was going to be a big mistake or whether it was going to be successful because Iceland is a very black-and-white country in many respects and having an infrared camera I've never seen any images from Iceland in infrared and I thought well it's not like an extra equipment have to carry with me so I'll see how we get on with it and I'm pleased to say that some of the images are really quite stunning a couple of the black-and-white images below are actually infrared images.


Scotland Inner and Outer Hebrides

